Early Childhood Education Trainings
Questions? Contact Us.
Ronnette Haynes
- Coaching & Outreach Coordinator
- Ronnette.Haynes@lesvoorbereiding.com
- 479-788-7917
- Echols 110-B
These FREE 培训课程由儿童保育司拨款资助 and Early Childhood Education. 欲了解更多信息或安排培训,请致电 UAFS幼儿学前教育计划,电话:479-788-7249或479-788-7605.
所有的How To培训都是面对面的.
- Planning and conducting whole group time
- Planning and conducting small group time
- Telling stories with visuals
- Choosing developmentally appropriate books
- Creating materials
- Using materials to increase learning
- 用音乐和动作配合不同的年龄组
- Setting up a music center
- Portfolio organization
- Purpose of portfolios
- Benefits of a discovery center
- Setting up a discovery center
- 适合发展的字母活动材料
- 适合发展的字母活动
- Promoting creativity in the classroom
- Setting up the art center
- Importance of Prop Boxes
- How to build prop boxes
What is sensory play?
Sensory play activities
所有的实践培训都包括支持已确定的学习目标的活动 在阿肯色州儿童发展和早期学习标准(CDELS),并提供 有机会创建课程材料的研究主题的特色 training.
- Designated Arkansas-approved curriculum
- Comprehensive curriculum for children ages 3-5
- Features 40 topics of study in nine focus areas
- 按照规定指导参与者制定每周活动计划 in the Arkansas Minimum Licensing Requirements
- 针对18-36个月儿童的综合课程
- Features 30 topics in eight focus areas
- 按照规定指导参与者制定每周活动计划 in the Arkansas Minimum Licensing Requirements
- 轻松过渡到3-5岁儿童的学习冒险课程
- 为出生至18个月的婴儿提供综合课程
- 重点关注照顾者和婴儿之间的反应性关系和互动
- 按照规定指导参与者制定每周活动计划 in the Arkansas Minimum Licensing Requirements
- 提供一个机会,为婴儿创造相关活动的课程材料
- 幼儿和学龄前儿童的补充课程
- Series of activity guides that:
- connect literature and movement
- 利用儿童书籍来支持一项或多项粗大运动技能 阿肯色州儿童发展和早期学习标准(CDELS)
- 延伸到书中建议的运动活动
- 扩展到包括相关的课程活动和加强学习的想法 environment
- 支持满足最低要求的体育活动计划 Licensing Requirements for Child Care Centers
- Supplemental curriculum for preschool children
- 提供创建动手数学环境时要考虑的材料列表
- Includes 14 curriculum guides that:
- 专注于为孩子提供日常体验数学机会的策略 通过实践活动和教师指导的体验
- 使用专注于一个或多个数学思维目标的儿童书籍 Arkansas CDELS
- 扩展到学习环境和日常课程的相关经验
- 包括评估儿童数学技能和概念的想法
- Supplemental curriculum for preschool children
- Integrates literature and the creative arts
- 向孩子们介绍著名艺术家的作品和使用的各种技巧 by illustrators of children's books
- 包括14个课程指南,从一本儿童读物开始,延伸到相关的 experiences in the visual and performing arts
- 支持阿肯色州CDELS创意和美学领域
Supplemental curriculum for children ages 3-5
课程指南的集合,将故事书与信息书籍配对 a common theme or focus
整合了阿肯色州CDELS的三个领域:新兴文化,科学和技术, Social Studies
鼓励孩子思考,表达好奇心,并寻求问题的答案 may have
- 确定幼儿教育专业人员的特点
- 检查对孩子、家庭和同事的道德责任
- 探索人际关系、日常交流、书面和口头沟通 families
- 发展家庭项目的联系和参与
- Physical arrangement of the environment
- Materials and equipment in the environment
- Social and emotional environment
- 团队合作在早期护理和教育项目中的重要性
- Strategies that support teamwork
- Strategies for building relationships
- Building resilience in children
- Daily classroom schedule and routines
- 每个课堂(课程)的日常体验
- Weekly activity plan sheets
- Children’s portfolios
- Daily transitions for all children (infants, toddlers, preschool)
- Successful transitions for preschool children
- 当孩子们进入和离开教室或学前班时
- 儿童和户外环境的重要性
- Safety in the outdoor environment
- Outdoor activities
37 patterns for children’s books
- 12 Mother Goose rhymes
列出的所有培训都支持阿肯色州最低许可要求 儿童发展和早期学习标准,出生到60个月(CDELS),阿肯色州 幼儿专业人员的劳动力知识和能力,婴幼儿 环境评定量表(ITERS)幼儿环境评定量表(ECERS) and NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct.
Upcoming Training Courses
Register for all training sessions through the Arkansas Professional Development Registry.
所有课程将在UAFS校园内的Echols 119进行.