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Lance Killough



The role of Procurement Services is to provide efficient and responsive assistance to university departments in purchasing good and services in accordance with state-mandated guidelines while striving to obtain best-value pricing. We aim to offer the highest level of customer service to the campus community in order to support the educational mission of UAFS.

Competitive Sealed Bids

UAFS makes all purchases in accordance with the procurement laws of the State of Arkansas. Unless specifically exempt funds are used, state law requires use of a competitive sealed bid process on all purchases which exceed $20,000. Competitive sealed bids are advertised in a newspaper having statewide circulation and/or posted by electronic media and then opened and read publicly on the date and time specified in the advertisement.
Bid responses should be submitted on the printed bid document in a SEALED envelope clearly marked with the bid number, date, and time of opening.

Contract Grant Disclosure and Certification Form (98-04)

Equal Opportunity Policy

Minority Policy

It is the policy of the State of Arkansas to support equal opportunity as well as economic development. The State recognizes that minority business enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the state procurement process. UAFS invites and encourages all minority-owned business enterprises to participate and compete in the purchasing process for goods, services, and construction projects.

Minority Procurement Goal

With the establishment of Act 1222 of 2009, UAFS is partnering with the Small and Minority Business Division of the Arkansas Economic Development Commission in an endeavor to reach a minimum procurement goal of 10 percent with minority-owned businesses. This is the annual spending goal for state-funded public construction programs and in the purchase of goods and services that are under the university’s control and that can be affected by the minority purchasing plan.

Arkansas Code of 1987 Annotated 15-4-313 defines “minority” as a lawful permanent resident of this state who is  African American, Hispanic American, American Indian, or Asian Pacific Islander. “Minority business enterprise” means a business that is at least 51-percent owned by one or more minority persons as defined in this section.

Accessibility Compliance

When procuring a technology product or soliciting the development of such a product, the State of Arkansas is required to comply with the provisions of Arkansas Code Annotated § 25-26-201 et seq., as amended by Act 308 of 2013, which expresses the policy of the State to provide individuals who are blind or visually impaired with access to information technology purchased in whole or part with state funds. The vendor expressly acknowledges and agrees that state funds may not be expended in connection with the purchase of information technology unless that system meets the statutory requirements found in 36 C.F.R. § 1194.21, as it existed on Jan. 1, 2013, (software applications and operating systems) and 36 C.F.R. § 1194.22, as it existed on Jan. 1, 2013, (web based intranet and internet information and applications) in accordance with the State of Arkansas technology policy standards relating to accessibility by persons with visual impairments.
All State of Arkansas electronic and information technology purchases must be accessible as specified by standards listed in Arkansas Act 308.
Vendors will be asked to complete a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) as it relates to the scope of work of the item(s) or commodity requested. The purpose of the VPAT is to assist federal and state contracting officials and other buyers in making preliminary assessments regarding the availability of commercial "Electronic and Information Technology" products and services with features that support accessibility.
If the information technology product or system being offered by the vendor does not completely meet these standards, the vendor must provide an explanation within the VPAT detailing the deviation from these standards.